Friday, 8 April 2011

no i have no excuse!

i am offically on easter holidays! :) too excited about the thought of dusting off the shorts and tee's and unvailing my overly pasty legs!

I'm working most of this week, not that i can complain i work in an American food store... we sell everything including ice-cream which i plan on devouring later today (when i'm at work of course!) check out the new home play they've spent AGES making, its pretty cool...

yesterday was my day off and the boyf had some 2-4-1 vouchers for london attractions so we headed off at the crack of 9am to catch a ride from his friend who was traveling home... first we went to his house in BexleyHeath to see all the puppies (well the two that are left) and his older dallys. the puppies are so cute!! there at the stage were everything is food... we took them for a walk and Sydney (the gorgeous liver spot pup) tried to eat EVERYTHING! stones, plums, flowers, grass, bottles, you name it and if it was on the floor he ate it! then we set off on our travels to London zoo, we had to tube it up to Camden and walk though the disgrace it has become, i hate camden... but thats another story for another day! the animals were amazing! so many more than i'd ever seen before... i fell in love with a gorillia, he was massive and so cute! then we went over too the London eye, where the boy pointed out all of the football grounds he could see and i just tried not to be sick and gain my air legs (which i never did) and finally we went for an amazing meal in cafe rouge (thank you tesco vouchers!) this meal was UH-MAY-ZING! we had snails and camenbet to start, a big fat steak for mains and creme brulle for pudding... we felt VERY french! :) then finally a nice little night cap in TGI Friday's where we had lovely Mojitos! only probs was we lost track of time and nearly missed our coach... (practically sprinted round Victoria) but we made it and it was the best day out ever :) and i feel tres lucky to have a boyfriend like him :) 

i do not however appreciate the state of my top this morning... doggy mud prints and cheese all down my nice white summer top! oh well its a small price to pay for such an amazing day out!

the monkey of my dreams :)

the boy of my dreams :)
and snails!!

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