Friday 15 July 2011

i know i repeatedly say this but i am offically going to start writing on this thing more! i have so many little thoughts though out the day and i just want to get them down and always forget... lately in my defence i have just moved into my amazingly beautiful new home complete with bomb shelter and electric gate! i am living the dream people!!

another new and exciting fact is that i have offically given up smoking, i currently am sat with a beige beauty on my arm which slowly pumps nicoteen (or however its spelt - who cares i dont smoke! HA) into my arm with out me throwing away anymore pretty pennies which i think would be better spent on clothes and fresh new garms... which would mean i actually stick to writing this blog and actually have some thing to write about!!

tre' exciting!
so since i last wrote in here many many things apart from moving and giving up smoking have happened... most importantly i am mid transition back to blonde! thats right guys after a whole year of going back to my roots and being brown i have decided blondes do have more fun and have moved to the peroxide :)

however as many of you guys will know stripping your hair and eventually bleeching it has an awkward stage where you must adorn orange hair for 4 weeks... 

here i am mid orange. BUT DO NOT FEAR my next appointment is booked for the 25th and then i shall have lush blonde locks! CAN NOT COME ANY SOONER!!
i am so excited to become a memeber of the blonde crew again and what better time than in the summer loving stage! 

and today i found out i passed my second year of uni so i am offically a third year uni student!! i can not wait to go back in september with my blonde locks, no fags and with a focus to leave uni with an amazing degree (and also get a chunky loan though which will not be spent on fags and nights out but rather the thing i truely love most... my wardrobe!) 

i feel so inspired right now. i am LOVING IT!! 

night ya'll xxx

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